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Same-Day Surgery staff provides 5-star Patient Experience

January 23, 2025

"The Same Day Registration desk employees were always courteous and professional. I never felt neglected or insignificant as we communicated the necessary information for outpatient services. These employees are five-star plus, and I appreciate their professionalism, desire to assist me, and their professionalism with regard to my privacy ... My pre-surgery nurse, Robin, performed her duties with extensive knowledge, efficiency and concern for a positive experience for me. Since I have a long medical history, Robin met the challenge and asked questions that were relevant to my needs ... The day of my surgery, Ms. Jerry and Ms. Katy were five-star plus. Both ladies communicated with me in a timely manner. I felt they were authentic and genuinely cared for the operative experience I was about to encounter. All of the employees were magnificent. Any outpatient medical procedure offers a recipe for teamwork and cooperation from the patient. I felt these ideals were realized by me."

-- Jennie Mills


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